Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thrifty Finds

Have I mentioned how I try to thrift shop weekly? **Try** being the key word there. Usually on Wednesdays because that's my short work day. However, this past Saturday (that would be, um, yesterday) the Senior Center in our town was having a flea market, so I met my mommy there and with my grumbling son in tow we (uh, mom and I) had a blast. My young Padawan son, he's still a beginner learning the ropes of this thrift/flea/yard sale/Goodwill shopping stuff. But teach him I will. Educate him I shall. Learn him I can.

'k nuf with the Yoda talk.

Show you my finds now I am (heh heh).

Teddy Bear: $.54 at Goodwill
(We named him Teddy Pom Pom after this vicious little dog we saw on that show "It's Me or the Dog" the other week). This Teddy Pom Pom is not vicious. I have a soft spot for once loved discarded stuffed animals. Not like old Mickeys or Elmos or stuff like that, but classic looking Teddy Bears like this one that were once loved and ended up at Goodwill to be sold for $.50 (plus tax). Welcome home, Teddy Pom Pom, welcome home.

Lemons: 6 for $1 at local Thrift Store

Rose planter thingies: $.50 each at Senior Flea Market

Tin planter thingie: $.25 local Thrift Store

(Can you hear my oil rubbed bronze spray paint calling out here?)

My mom got this cool indoor water fountain table thingie. Can you see my pattern here that when I don't know what something is called it becomes a thingie. Anyway, she got it for 5 bucks! I was jealous! I wanted it, but she saw it first. But there is still hope that I might get it, she doesn't have an electrical outlet on her porch.

I still didn't find any white ceramic birds (they've been on my list for quite some time now). One day . . . one day.

So, stay tuned to see what I eventually do with this stuff!


  1. I had trouble with my plastic eggs this easter especially with my acrylic paint, so i gentle sandpapered them then sprayed them with alightish coat of Rust-o-lum primary and the painted and speckled with the acrylic.
    seem i tad long winded but i enjoyed doing it


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